Boghead Community - Boghead

A Wee Village with BIG Ideas!
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Boghead Community

Boghead is a small tightly knit community with lots going on. There are now two organisations established within the village working directly for the benefit of the community - Boghead Community Group (BCG) and Boghead Improvement Group (BIG). Membership of both of these organisations is open to all current residents within the immediate Boghead area and actively encouraged. These two organisations perform separate functions and exist cooperatively and distinctly. Their separate functions are outlined below:

Boghead Community Group (BCG)

Constituted Group
Members (village)


Council Liaison:

Social Events
Village Coordination

Access to Microgrants and small local funds.

Boghead Improvement Group (BIG)

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)

Fully Regulated
Members (village)
Junior Members (12-15 years old - village)

Associate Members (support/skills)

Community Development

Village Projects

Improvements, enhancements, environment
Legal ownership of facilities, land, property

Access to all funds (local & UK-wide)
As the Members pages of the website are intended purely as a community forum to present potential future initiatives within the village, funding and perhaps commercially sensitive matters then membership is only available to current residents of the village and surrounding farms (this same restriction applies to the BCG and BIG Facebook groups). However, the outcome of any such initiatives and decisions will then be presented in the open pages of the website.

Within the Members Pages we provide access to information on what is happening with your community, updates on our various initiatives, and issues to bring to the attention of the community to allow the community the opportunity to review, comment and provide input to decisions affecting our village.
Boghead Community Group

Boghead Community Group was started back in 1983 and is a non-profit organisation, formally constituted and set up by the village, for the village, to organise and coordinate a range of events, activities and small projects to enhance village life in Boghead. The group elects a committee at an annual AGM and office-bearers can stand for a period of up to 4 years. There is currently no Community Council covering our area but the Community Group is recognised by the council and councillors and works with other local Community Groups and participates in local Community Windfarm funds to represent the interests of the village.

Historically, the Group has undertaken the following projects:
  • The telephone box has been restored and occasionally used as an information point for the village.
  • A community Public Access Defibrillator has been installed in the telephone box.
  • The right of way path has been upgraded and is now a great and well loved asset to the community.
  • The path to the park has been tarred with extra drainage, and flower beds created around the telephone box.
  • New ultrafast "fibre to the home" broadband has been made available to all homes in the village.

Social activities include Bus trips, Panto's, BBQs, Burns' nights, Hogmanay celebrations, etc, etc. These activities are open to all residents in the village plus neighbouring farms.

(If you would like to see the Boghead Community Group constitution then it is available to view as a download. It is a fairly lengthy document so is more practical to download and read offline.)

Boghead Improvement Group (SCIO)

A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) has been created for the village. A charity is granted a status that recognises a contribution to society but also carries ongoing legal responsibilities.

Boghead Improvement Group SCIO SC052614 has been established to:

  • Advance citizenship and community development,
  • Provide recreational facilities, or organise recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
  • Advance environmental protection or improvement
  • all under an umbrella of sustainable development.

The aim is to improve and enhance the village and community in line with the themes of the local Community Action Plan.

(If you would like to see the Boghead Improvement Group constitution then it is available to view as a download. It is a fairly lengthy document so is more practical to download and read offline.)

Join the Community
In order to access the members pages you must register and be accepted (click on the members tab to see the login and registration form).
If all is well your registration will be accepted and validated to enable you to access the Members Area.
Registration is restricted to residents of Boghead and immediate neighbouring farms.

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